The exact method for this varies by the exact type of firewall you use often, it’s as simple as checking the League of Legends box in your settings. If it does, however, then it’s probable that this is causing the issue. If League won’t launch, then your firewall likely isn’t the source of the problem. In many cases where League of Legends won’t open, disabling your firewall will help you identify the issues.
#League client down update
Make sure to hit the Update button to keep things running smoothly! However, if you’re using outdated definitions, they might not recognise your LoL client. As stated, using a firewall shouldn’t mean that League of Legends won’t launch. Update your firewall and antivirus software.If yours is one of them, then try following the steps below: Some, however, might be taking a little bit longer to get the message, or simply have strict or improperly configured settings. Given the huge popularity of League of Legends (with 27 million players online on any given day!), most firewall manufacturers are now up to speed with the game, and will recognise LoL as a trusted program. Check out the relevant regional links below: Nonetheless, as an officially endorsed tool, it might provide a few answers for those of you wondering why your League client won’t open. It’s worth noting that this tool isn’t universally available, and (at the time of writing) is still only a beta tool, meaning that total accuracy and freedom from bugs can’t be guaranteed.

To help, they’ve put together a tool called Lag Report, which should identify any connection issues affecting your PC, as well as that of your ISP in your local area. The team at Riot Games understand that when your League launcher won’t open, it can be seriously annoying. This might sound simple, but it’s always good to check out the more obvious options first! Lag Report If server issues aren’t behind your League of Legends client not opening, then the next step is to check your internet connection. If your location’s server is working fine, however, then the reason why League of Legends won’t open is likely to come from your end-either due to a problem with your internet connection or an issue from your PC.